Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So who am I?  My name is Miranda and I have been a beauty junkie for as long as I can remember.  I was the bane of my dear mother's existence (she of only a little mascara and no other makeup), particularly when I would visit her mother who had all manner of pallets and tubes.  I would spend hours with one tube of fuchsia lipstick putting it on as intended, using it as rouge, and then donning one of my grandmother's many wigs.  This translated to middle school, when I found mascara and eyeliner, both worn is very tasteful manners.  Tasteful until high school when all of my teenage angst culminated in the desire to look like the bastard love child of Robert Smith and Siouxsie Sioux.  In order to get my blue tinted foundation off and the gobs and mascara and liner, I found mayonnaise masks and the wonders of noxema.  Venturing in soon after to the wonderful world of vinegar and cold water rinses for hair to make it super shiny, egg and yogurt masks, and languishing in the bath tub for hours only to rub all manner of essential oils, creams and motions to make my skin super soft. 

So here I am now, 30ish coming up on another birthday, having just graduated from skin care and makeup school, employed by a popular UK fresh cosmetics company, looking to dole out wisdom and answer questions for anyone who may have them. 

I hope to empart on the masses, or just the few of you who may read this, that skincare doesn't have to be expensive or difficult.  It doesn't have to be full of fillers or plastics.  Your skin is your largest organ, that needs love, nourishment and alot of TLC.

So I guess today's advice and number one product than any woman needs to have in her medicine cabinet would be sunscreen.  It's simple, but oh so necessary.  Most of us have already done quite a bit of damage to our skin before we've even hit 17.  Terrible childhood burns happen all of the time, and that one or two that we get will inpact our skin for a lifetime.  So slather yourself up, slather your children.  The sun isn't evil, we do need it for all of that delicious vitamin D (which we on the east coast are just starting to get from it's natural source again), so don't be afraid of it.  Also, in the vein of sun protection, sunglasses.  No one wants crowsfeet, and where do they come from?  Squinting.   Remember when you were told not to make faces because your face will freeze that way?  That is exactly what happens.  Our skin memorizes how it moves and creases, thus those nasty little wrinkles occur.  

I encourage people to send questions about their skin, product lies, etc.  Anything you can think of I'll gladly get back to you.

For now, I'm off to take practice tests for my boards and I look forward to feedback and talking with you all soon.



  1. Can't wait to hear the results! If you need a volunteer to try out your potions~ you know where I am at! xo!

  2. Will do as soon as I get my little glass bottles. I will drop one off for you :)
