Saturday, December 4, 2010

Smothering the skin for better results and why you don't need a plastic bag to do so.

I love masks.  LOVE THEM!  It's not just the pretending to be a kept housewife with fuzzy slippers and what my girl friends refer to as my sexy robe, it's also the amazing results your skin gets from taking ten minutes out of your day to put a mask on. 

See, what you're doing when you put a mask on is depriving your skin and pores of oxygen.  This makes the skin gasp for air, increases blood flow to the upper layers of skin and helps to generate some new collegen and by doing so makes it a brand new canvas to put your restorative serums with super vitamin C or other antioxidants.

I was in the habit of masking daily at one point.  My skin?  It never looked better.  Pores were of a smaller size, it glowed, it was smooth, and the tone was even and near perfect.  I need to get back into that habit.

Masking doesn't need to be an expensive part of your facial routine either.  You can make your own with some bentonite clay (found easily at Whole Foods), honey, and apple cider vinegar.  You can also purchase them from Sally's (Queen Helene is the brand they sell), or you can head to Lush and pick up either one of their fresh face masks or their Mask of Magnaminty.  I'm partial to the fresh masks.  Better stuff for the skin and very reasonably priced.

So you have a mask at home, what to do...

First off, wash your face!  You don't want to slather and make your pores open only to let in all sorts of bacteria or environmental crap!

On your warm, slightly damp face slather on your mask.  Really put a good layer of it on.  You want your skin to be completely covered.  Think of it as putting a layer of ganache on your face, only not as tasty.

Let it sit.  You don't want it to dry completely, by doing so you begin to let the mask take water from your skin.  So when it starts to feel tight, wash it off.  Use a nice warm wash cloth to soften the mask for easier removal.  Make sure you get all residue from the mask off your face.  Use a toner on a cotton ball for one last cleanse before you begin layering on your serums and moisturizers. 

Enjoy your new skin!  I would like to add that I normally exfoliate before I mask.  Use a good AHA BHA exfoliator.  You only get one face and one body of skin, so treat it with kindness or be prepared to visit the plastic surgeon!

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