But I'm back, baby!
I am thriving in my private practise. Clients are happy with the new line I've brought on and I'm still adding more modalities to my massage technique to make sure every person gets exactly what they need in regards to Manual Lymph Drainage, Lymph Stimulation, Facial Muscle Relaxation Techniques and much more. I am working with the Laurel Whole Plant Organics line, which fully aligns with my philosophies as a holistic esthetician. It is an amazing and powerful line, lovingly handmade and with local (to California) ingredients.
This past weekend I participated in my first ever scooter rally as a full participant. It was a ton of fun. I got to see old friends, make lots of new ones. The one thing I didn't expect to happen, was to learn something. On Saturdays (during rallies) you have the option of going on one of two group rides, the short (49CC) or the long (anything that requires a motorcycle license). Being that I ride a Honda Ruckus, I went on the short ride, which in Saturday's heat felt like the longest ride in the world. With an actual temperature of 99 degrees, and most of us novice riders wearing protective gear, and I learned a lot...
1. You're sweating, which is your body's cooling mechanism, As you sweat, and sweat more, your body starts to dehydrate. Once your body reaches maximum core temperature from being over heated, even though you're sweating, it's not helping. It takes a long time for your body to re acclimate at that point. A good initial test is to pinch some of the skin on the back of your hand and see how long it takes to bounce back. The longer it takes, The more dehydrated you are. Also, do a urine check, if you can. Remember the colour of your urine reflects how hydrated you are, if you are anywhere past a golden yellow towards the brown side, you need to hydrate. Fruits are your friends, they help to keep your electrolytes balanced and give you a little pep with some sugar.
2. Wear a heavier, more protective moisturizer under your sunscreen. You are in the elements, traffic, dust, wind, All of these things are dying to get into your pores. A heavier, more barrier balm is a better choice in riding. Would you go out into the cold air, without a protective coating? Don't just put this on your face. It was too hot for me to wear riding gloves, I greased my hands up and kept applying as the ride went on.
3. Sunscreen. You all know I'm a big fan of your 15-20 minutes a day. However, in the heat and mid day sun, I was adamant that at every pit stop, I slathered it on, myself, whoever was closest. There is no reason for a burn. I think we all ended up burn free.
Last but not least...
4. Don't forget about it after your ride. After you've peeled off your jeans, boots, and armour, take a shower, get good a clean and then moisturize your face, your body and let your body readjust to cooler temps slowly, cool showers and room temperature drinking water. A nice, nourishing mask never hurt either, and while your at it, put some on the back on your hands too.
Be gentle. That body has just worked for you, albeit on the back of a motorcycle or scooter, but it has indeed worked. Show it some love!
This is my ride, Frank, He comes complete with pink glitter helmet and a parasol, just in case. Happy riding!
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